Our straight stairs are built with an emphasis on quality construction. Building stairs right leads to a number of benefits: longevity of the stairs, squeak-free construction, and greater safety. We also offer a number of options for customizing your stairs, including bullnose treads, flares, open or closed risers, carriage or housed stringers, a variety of woods (including hardwood and exotic wood), and our expert stair design service.

  • Custom styles: Our approach focuses on the execution of a wide variety of styles, tailored to fit your home.

  • Specialization: Take advantage of our ability to specialize in the production of stairs. With over 25 years’ experience, we have developed a highly efficient process that leads to greater quality stairs for your money.

    Of necessity, he who pursues a very specialized task will do it best.
    — Xenophon

  • Stunning design: Contact us in the planning stages of your new stairs to gain all the benefits of our stair design service.

Straight Stair Order Form:

Side view
Front view

Stair 1:


Stair 2:


Stair 3:
